

In addition to all the tabletop miniature games, wargames, role playing games, and larps, we have the following special events: (You can check out all our programming planned at this link.)

Pacificon Protospiel-a-thon! Brand New!
 As part of our Pacificon Protospiel, we will be running this brand new event which features the games of designers who play tested their games at the Pacificon Protospiel in years past! We will have prizes available for the winners of this competition celebrating those who’s games successfully made it to market!

WarGame Boot Camp
Celebrating ten years in residence at Pacificon Game Expo, come join Karl and Tim as they spend the weekend teaching folks how to play all manner of historical board games! Those who play/learn new games get raffle tickets good in the War Game Raffle held Sunday late afternoon.

 RPG Academy
How to Play RPGs – Hosted by Sarah Moore of “Sarah’s Table on GenConTV on Twitch, and Gabriel Vega, a pioneering professional GM who one time held the D&D Marathon World Record. 
The Crowned Debuts! – As part of a successful Kickstarter Campaign, Pacificon is hosting a table of players who supported the development of this exciting new RPG designed by Damon Vanhee with Sarah Moore of Formally Feral Games, where you can be the God of anything! 
Learn to Play D&D – We have characters ready for you to play in these two hour introductory sessions.
Dungeon Mastering 101 – Come one, come all. Ever wondered what would it take to be a DM? Well, this is your chance to find out. Come and learn about the techniques and methodology used by this old DM.

Pathfinder/Starfinder Society
We have four days of adventures planned over the weekend! Come and join in the fun!

D&D Adventurers League
Come and join our fun-filled program over the four day weekend! All the D&D for the <floating> Eye to see!  

Panels and Seminars
State of the Industry Panel – Join Aldo Ghiozzzi, James Ernest, Sarah Moore, Alphinius Goo and more, as we take on your questions and talk about the State of the Industry! Moderated by Mondo.
What’s New with James Ernest! Come and listen to James as he talks about his exciting projects and  topics including self-publishing, game design, graphic design, and crowdfunding,